Reactive vs. Proactive IT support

When it comes to IT support, many businesses go for a ‘fix-it when its broken’ approach. These businesses do this because they think that it will save them money, as they only pay for the IT support services when a problem arises. But is this really the case? Even if a business has invested in […]
How to protect your business from ransomware attacks

If a ransomware attack is successful it can easily see your whole business out of action. It is currently seen as one of the greatest online threats and can shut down entire networks. So, what is it and how do you protect against it? What is ransomware? Ransomware is a malicious software, also known as […]
Why your business needs an offsite data backup
Many businesses today store sensitive data and critical information on their work computers or a server. If you were to lose this data however, the results could be disastrous. This is why offsite data storage is essential for any modern business. Offsite data backup is a process which uses a remote – often cloud based […]
Phishing Emails: How to avoid being the next victim
You receive an email from what appears to be a trusted organisation asking for personal information from you like usernames, passwords, or bank account details. These kinds of emails often include links taking you to a site to input your personal data. It might look legitimate, but how can you tell if it’s genuine or […]
3 ways your business can thrive using IT
Most business owners and managers know that your product or services are going to gain more momentum in the market at some point, which is just what you are waiting for. But did you know that premature growth is one of the biggest killers of business start-ups and new businesses? Although things may look good […]
6 reasons why your growing business needs to hire an IT support company
If you are looking to expand and grow your business, or are already an established business showing substantial growth, having an IT infrastructure in place can make a huge difference to your business’s efficiency and productivity. A lot of the time, businesses overlook the importance of IT and the need for proper IT support. This […]
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 end of life deadline is fast approaching, organisations need to act soon
In less than 3 months Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 / R2 are reaching their end of life. From January 14th 2020 there will be no more free security patches and updates released by Microsoft. As a result, if you keep using Windows 7 and/or Windows Server 2008/R2 you can be at risk of being […]